Get Involved

Thank you to our donors, partners, members and sponsors. To continue to provide education and supportive programs, navigation, resources and advocacy through committees for people and families in Nova Scotia we need your support, there are many ways to give. The Society currently does not receive core funding for our mission and mandate, we continue to advocate to many levels of government for funding and to improve the mental health and addiction services in Nova Scotia.

Donate once or become a Monthly Donor:

  • Become a Member - join our community of support
  • Planned Giving - you may choose a living gift through securities, your will, life insurance or RRSP's
  • Employee Matching - many companies match employee donations or specify the Society if you give through United Way contributions
  • In Memory/In Honour - Celebrate people in your life with a gift to the Society in honour or in memory of someone special
  • Sponsor A Group - Peer Support Groups require honourariums for facilitators and speakers as well as refreshments weekly, an average group is at a cost of $450 per month 

To donate online go to: PayPal 

To donate by cheque, send cheque to:

Hope For Mental Health

PO Box 20006
R PO Spryfield
Halifax NS,
B3R 2K9


Join the Society as a member to receive newsletters and information about groups and events, volunteer at our events/conference, with our supportive housing program or as a director on the Board.


Thank you to our Major Gift Supporters and Sponsors, we could not do our work without your continued support!

The Society has a unique partnership with the Bloom Program further developing the Navigator Directory. This exciting ongoing resource of mental health and addictions programs and services in Nova Scotia both within NSHA and community resources through organizations/support groups in every region..stay tuned!   

SSNS Sponsorship and Partnerships