The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
Service Information
Turning Knowledge Into Action Knowing that knowledge is power, our hope for these tutorials is twofold. One, that you come away with a greater understanding of the core concepts presented. And two, that they help you and those around you begin to break down barriers and dispel the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction, and help bring these issues into the daylight where they belong. We have several topics for you to explore below. And of course, we encourage you to share these tutorials with friends, family, and colleagues! Please note: to view the tutorials below, you may need to turn off your browser's pop-up blocker.
Introducing our Mental Health 101 site We are pleased to introduce our course site featuring tutorials on:
Mental Health Addiction Depression The site offers an opportunity to create a private user account so that you can get the most out of your online learning experience. You will be able to self-enroll in course that interest you, view your activity and quiz results, track your course completions and earn course completion badges.
- Addictions
- Mental Health
- Adult
- Senior
- Teen